After you've searched the Stridekick Help Center, you will be able to send a message to our support team on your mobile device, through our website at, or from our Help Center. You can contact Stridekick's support team for any technical issues or platform questions - we're here to help!
When contacting us, make sure to be as detailed as possible in your request. Please include the below information in your initial message:
Your email address
A detailed description of what the issue is
List the steps you've taken to encounter this issue
Screenshots (if applicable)
Learn more about how to contact us from the mobile app and Stridekick website below.
Contact Customer Support via the Mobile App
From your dashboard in the mobile app, tap the menu bars at the top left corner and then select the blue Message support button at the bottom of the utility panel.
Search for articles from our Help Center to find an answer yourself. If you don't find what you're looking for, scroll to the bottom to start a conversation with our support team.
Contact Customer Support via the Web
On web, click the orange chat icon in the lower right to search our Help Center. After searching for an answer, if you don't find what you're looking for, scroll to the bottom to start a conversation with our support team.