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How to Mark Content as Complete

Learn how to mark actionable content posts as complete. Also, learn how to view previously completed content from the Stridekick mobile app

Stridekick Team avatar
Written by Stridekick Team
Updated over 4 years ago

Actionable content in the mobile app

If your community challenge includes actionable content, you'll have the option to mark content posts as complete. This guide will walk you through how to mark content as complete, how you can view previously completed content, and how to change a content post back to incomplete if marked complete by mistake.

Note: The Stridekick website ( will not allow you to mark content as complete. You must access Stridekick from the mobile app in order to mark content as complete.

How to mark content as complete

To mark a post as complete, please follow the steps below:

  1. Open your challenge and scroll down to find content that includes a button to "Tap to complete."

  2. Tap the button to begin marking the action as complete

3. An overlay with the option to "Swipe to complete" should appear. Press your finger on the green circle and swipe to the right to mark the content as complete.

4. You should now see that your content was completed, as shown below:

How to view previously completed content

To view your previously completed content, please follow the steps below:

  1. Open your challenge and scroll down to the actionable content. Swipe horizontally to see the most recent content posted.

2. To see a list or grid view of all of your completed actions, you can tap "View All" just below each post or the "View all" button at the end of the horizontal scroll:

3. Here, you'll see the total number of actions you completed so far. View all posted content in a list or grid format. You can view and mark content as complete on this page.

How to change a content post back to incomplete

If you've completed an action by mistake, follow these steps to mark the action as incomplete:

  1. Go to the content that you selected as "Completed," and tap on the green "Completed" button

2. Tap the "Mark incomplete" button so the content isn't marked as complete anymore.

Note: You can always mark that particular content as complete again later.

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