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Profile Privacy in Stridekick

Learn how to adjust profile privacy in Stridekick, and what data is shown to other users on the platform

Stridekick Team avatar
Written by Stridekick Team
Updated over a year ago

Table of Contents

Stridekick allows you to easily change your privacy settings in the mobile or web app. You can adjust these preferences to fit your needs.

Edit privacy settings from the mobile app

  1. Navigate to your Dashboard

  2. Select the menu bars in the top left corner

  3. Select Settings from the Utility Panel

4. To change your privacy settings from here, select Profile privacy to set your preferred level of privacy:

Privacy Options
Public - Anyone can view your profile.
Friends Only - Only your accepted friends can see your profile.
Private - No one, not even your friends, can see your profile.

Learn more about your profile privacy options here.

Edit privacy settings on the web app

  1. Navigate to your web Dashboard

  2. Select your profile picture icon on the upper right hand side

  3. Select Settings from the Utility Panel

  4. Select the Edit icon underneath Privacy and Preferences

5. Set your preferred level of privacy from the 3 options below:

Frequently asked questions

What data can other users see in the app?

If you're part of a challenge, all participants in the challenge will be able to see your challenges scores, regardless of your privacy settings.

Outside of a challenge, the following data will be visible from your profile to other users in the app regardless of your privacy settings:

  • Your username

  • Your current activity data for today

  • Your profile picture

  • Your cover photo

  • Your custom location (if you've added one to your profile)

  • Your friends list

For anyone you are friends with, your daily activity data will also show in the friends tab under the friends leaderboard regardless of your privacy settings.

How does my profile privacy level impact what users can see?

The privacy levels in the app dictate who can see your full Stridekick profile.

  • If you set your privacy level to Private, users will only be able to see basic profile details (shown in the question above), any challenge scores, and your activity data in the friends leaderboard.

  • If you set your privacy level to Friends only, only users you've added as friends will be able to see your full profile, including your Activity, Challenges, and Badges tabs, in addition to any challenges scores and your activity data in the friends leaderboard.

  • If you set your privacy level to Public, anyone on the Stridekick platform can see your full profile, including your Activity, Challenges, and Badges tabs, in addition to any challenges scores and your activity data in the friends leaderboard.

See the screenshots below as examples of what other users can see in the app with different privacy settings:

Can I hide my friends list from other users?

At this time, there is no way to hide your friends list from view, regardless of your profile privacy setting. Outside of a challenge with your profile set to fully private, only your friends will be able to see your activity data from the Friends tab of the mobile app. If a user views your profile, your current activity data for today will also be displayed under your username and profile photo, even if you're not friends.

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