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Manual Activity Entry in Stridekick

Learn how you can use manual activity entry to add activity data directly into your Stridekick account

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Written by Stridekick Team
Updated over a year ago

What is manual activity entry?

Manual activity entry allows you to add activities with optional accompanying steps, distance, and active minutes totals into your Stridekick account. Data added through manual activity entry will be combined with any device data synced for the day.

Manual activity entry allows you to enter your activity totals (steps, distance, and active minutes) up to 7 days back.

How do I use manual activity entry?

Follow these steps to enter activity totals to your account:

  1. From your dashboard, select the floating “+” icon in the bottom right corner, or select the Add activity button:

  2. Select the Manual activity button or select a recent manual activity to log. Enter your activity name, optional associated steps, distance, and/or active minutes totals, and select the corresponding date. By default, the date will be set to today. Select Save to save your entry to your account.

  3. Once your activity has been added, you’ll see a confirmation at the bottom of your screen confirming that your activity has been saved:

Note: You have to enter data for each metric for it to be accounted for.

Reminder: Please use manual entry in good faith

When you use manual activity entry, we are assuming that you are doing so in good faith. If it is reported that you are abusing the feature, such as with falsifying totals, as per our Community Guidelines, your account may be warned or removed.


Do I have to use manual activity entry if I don’t have a fitness tracker?

No, you do not have to use manual activity entry. If you don't have a fitness tracking device, you can use your iPhone or Android device as your fitness tracker instead! Learn how to set that up here.

Can I sync a device and use manual entry?

Yes. Manual activity entries are added to any device data synced for the day. Syncing from your device will not be interrupted if you add a manual activity entry during the day, but please note that totals between your device and Stridekick will no longer match due to the additional data logged in Stridekick.

How far back can I log manual activity entries?

Manual activity entries can be logged for up to 7 days (the current day and the previous 6 days). Please make sure you enter totals regularly. We recommend entering totals once a day to maintain the most up-to-date stats in your challenge.

Do I have to connect a device when using manual activity entry?

No. To use manual activity entry without connecting a device, dismiss the dashboard message about connecting a device.

How do manual activity entries impact challenge scores?

Data logged to your account through manual activity entry will be scored into any active challenges you’re participating in. Please note that grace period rules always apply.

Once a challenge ends, all scoring is final and challenge stats can no longer be updated. Any entries added or removed after your challenge ends will save to your Stridekick account but will not update in your challenge.

Can I log a manual activity entry with data from multiple days?

No. Every manual activity entry should be logged individually on the specific day it was performed. Do not add in data for multiple days under one entry. This will throw off challenge stats.

Is manual activity entry available to all users in Stridekick?

Yes, manual activity entry is now available to all users in Stridekick. Before September 7, 2023, manual activity entry was only available upon request. Because we had seen so many users request access and have a positive experience using the feature, we decided to grant to all participants in Stridekick moving forward.

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